Thursday, February 17, 2011

Red Cross Challenge Grant

Yesterday, Howard Levine, CEO of Family Dollar, announced his donation of $250,000 to the Greater Charlotte chapter of the Red Cross. The Red Cross is really in the hole right now, as they've had to cut 40% of their employees since 2008 and donations have been down since the beginning of the recession. They're hoping to raise $2.7 million this budget year, and so far they've raised just half that. The challenge grant will be a BIG help to them, and they'll be able to assist local families affected by disasters such as house fires and floods.

If you want to contribute, go to the Red Cross' local homepage here and click "Meet the Challenge" to donate via credit card, or call (704) 347-8428. You can also mail a check to: American Red Cross, Carolina Piedmont Region, PO Box 36507, Charlotte, NC 28236. Make the check out to "American Red Cross, Carolina Piedmont Region" and put "Meet the Challenge" on the memo line. Even $5 is better than nothing, so go ahead and make a little donation!

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